Manufaturer: Alberici S.p.A. – Italy
Coin validator AL66s is a reliable payment device maid to highest quality standards.
It accepts different types of coins or/and tokens.
Excellent coins identification and false detection. Mechanical and electronic anti-fraud security system.
Suitable for the all self-service systems where is necessary such a type of coin validator (kiddie rides, self-service washing machines, self-service car washes, parkings and etc.)
The AL66S may easy replace the most of used coin validators, without necessity of new mounting hole, because of the standard size of available front slots.
Because of the additional tropicalization, available coin validators are extremely suitable for outdoor use, especially for self-service car washes.
Programming from PC or via two dip-switch banks.
Size | 98,7 х 102,1 х 54,4mm |
Weight | 203 g |
Power supply | 12V / 24 VDC (±5%) |
Standby current draw | 25mA |
Power save current draw | 5mA |
Acceptance current draw | Max 350mA (30ms) |
Operating temperature | 0°C ÷ 60°C (Humidity: 75% standard, 95% tropicalized) |
Interface | Pulse, ccTalk |
Connectors | 4 pin – ccTalk, 10 pin – IDC Pulse |
Channels | 16 |
Acceptance speed | 4 coins / sec (S,I – version) |
Coins/tokens diameter | 16 ÷ 32 mm |
Coins/tokens thickness | 1 ÷ 3.4 mm |
Outputs | Max 250 mA/50V (OC, active low) |
Inputs | Active high 5 Vdc/50 Vdc |
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